Thursday, July 7, 2016

Day Three

Image result for myth

Unfortunately sometimes parents and teachers have negative feeling towards AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) because they feel like this will be limiting to their child instead of beneficial.  Some students will never be verbal and need these devices to communicate.  Other students need it to communicate because there speech is impeded in some way.  

ACC Myths

  1. AAC does not impede speech and language development.
  2. Children and adults do not need to match or identify pictures to develop AAC skills.
  3. No one has to start with a paper based or low tech AAC system before moving on to high tech system.
  4. There are absolutely no cognitive or behavioural prerequisites to use AAC.
  5. Access to the “hardware” of AAC in only the first step.  The teaching, intervention, and support that follows is the critical piece.

*Click on the Myth sign above to see more ACC myths.

Image result for p2go app

We continued working with the Proloquo2go App today. We were asked to develop a communication activity for a specific student.  I really enjoyed how easy it was to use and how you could customize it’s features for the specific learner. I also loved how you can make your own buttons using the iPad camera or web searches.  I enjoyed how you can move the folders and buttons to a specific destination and delete items that were not needed.  I see how this App would be essential to so many students.  I look forward to seeing how the other groups used the App in our presentations tomorrow!

Informative Demo of the Proloquo2go App:

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