Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Day two

AHA!! Moments from Tyler's Video

Image result for aha moment
Today we watched a beautiful video which outlined Tyler's assistive technology journey throughout his public school experience.  Tyler has some severe physical disabilities.  The following are my three AHA moments for the video:
  • Assistive technology allows Tyler to be with his peers and have peer relationships.
  • Through assistive technology he has access to education.  
  • He had a team of people (OT, SLP, TA, teachers, AT, parents, administration etc..) encouraging him and supporting his success.
Communcation Skills:

Communication can be defined as "any act that a person gives or receives."
We communicate for different reasons.  Some reasons are as follows:

  • Wants and needs
  • Transferring information
  • Social Closeness

Three things for effective communication

15 Modes to Communicate

AAC App: P2go App

Image result for p2go app

We were introduced to the AAC (augmentative and alternative communication) App P2go.

This App is so important to students who are non-verbal or who have limited verbal output.  This App can provide them with ways to communicate their wants and needs, take part in regular activities and communicate with their peers.  It is also much more affordable than it once was and accessible.  It is a very user friendly App that can be customized for the learners needs.  This makes the App much more effective for each individual student.  I look forward to sharing the App with our learning centre teacher.  I can think of one student in particular  who has a limited verbal output that would benefit greatly from this assistive technology.

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