Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Day One

"Climbing the Wall" Video

Image result for rock climbing with disabilities

We started the class with the motivational video “Climbing the Wall”.  I thoroughly enjoyed seeing this video for a second time.  The young man in the video wanted to climb a rock wall and with the encouragement and the proper tools he was able to climb the wall. This is a lessons to us all that we must presume competency of all our students and determine what they need in order to be successful. It also highlights the importance of being your students champion and encouraging their success by allowing them to struggle and feel their own accomplishments.  

We used web-based site polleverywhere.com to respond to the video.

The following are five ways you could use Poll Everywhere with your class:
  • Brainstorm ideas
  • Responses
  • Increase Engagement
  • Increase Motivation
  • Visual


We are using the APP Showbie as a paperless classroom to submit assignments and collaborate with our classmates. You can click on the image below to buy the APP and watch the informative video to see how you can use Showbie with your students.

Our first assignment was to use an assigned APP to define these specific assistive technology terms:
  • HAAT Model
  • SETT Framework
  • IPP & DA
  • Presumed Competency
  • Disruptive technology
  • Assistive Technology vs Devices
  • SAMR
  • Universal Design For Learning
  • EADL (Electronic Aids for Daily Living)
  • AAC & VOCA

The following are three of the APPS I really enjoyed and three ways they can be used in the classroom:

TeleStory APP
Image result for telestory
  • Reflection of a topic
  • Acting out a concept
  • Interviewing 
3D Timeline APP
Image result for 3D timeline
  • Mapping out an event
  • Mapping out a story
  • Creating a story

    Adobe Spark APP
    Image result for adobe spark app
  • Presentations
  • Newsletter
  • Invitations

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed the Poll Everywhere site as well! I like tat you included a few other reasons we could use it in class and they are definitely ways I had not thought of and will definitely try to incorporate. Especially to try to increase motivation among high schools students... Sometimes a daunting task!
