Wednesday, July 20, 2016

AT Awakening

Our Group Top 3 Take-Aways Video

My Top Three Take-Aways

The first being,  collaboration is key to success when implementing any form of assistive technology.  It takes a team of knowledge to put what each student needs into practice.  All members of the team must be trained and have the same goal in mind for the student. The program Proloquo2go App is a great example of how collaboration must take place in order for it to benefit the student.  I look forward to voicing my opinion about collaboration and sharing my knowledge of the assistive technology options with our school program planning team.  

The second concept was that assistive technology is all around us.  The Dollar Store activity was so much fun for me.  It really illustrated that we can make use of what we have to develop some really practical low-tech assistive technology.  This activity has stayed with me and I already have some suggestions for a few students at our school.

The last take-away for me has been the idea that assistive technology is constantly changing.  I am really hoping that I do not lose touch with "latest" assistive technology.  I realize that this technology is life changing for many people and I can't wait to see what evolves next!  

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