Wednesday, July 20, 2016

AT Awakening

Our Group Top 3 Take-Aways Video

My Top Three Take-Aways

The first being,  collaboration is key to success when implementing any form of assistive technology.  It takes a team of knowledge to put what each student needs into practice.  All members of the team must be trained and have the same goal in mind for the student. The program Proloquo2go App is a great example of how collaboration must take place in order for it to benefit the student.  I look forward to voicing my opinion about collaboration and sharing my knowledge of the assistive technology options with our school program planning team.  

The second concept was that assistive technology is all around us.  The Dollar Store activity was so much fun for me.  It really illustrated that we can make use of what we have to develop some really practical low-tech assistive technology.  This activity has stayed with me and I already have some suggestions for a few students at our school.

The last take-away for me has been the idea that assistive technology is constantly changing.  I am really hoping that I do not lose touch with "latest" assistive technology.  I realize that this technology is life changing for many people and I can't wait to see what evolves next!  

Assistive Music Technology Lab for Blind and Visually Impaired

This video stood out to me because the assistive technology allowed the students in the video to follow their passion while being completely independent!  
So amazing!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Book Creator Bananza!

Book Creator Presentations
The activity:

Design, produce and publish a How to Guide on using the Book Creator App demonstrating 20 different ways to use Book Creator in your classroom to meet the needs of a range of students completing various tasks in your classrooms.  You must add images (with alt text), videos, hyperlinks, voice recordings etc.

An exert from our presentation:


Wow! The presentations were amazing!  We have created valuable  resources for all levels.  

Below you will see some ideas I highlighted from each presentation:

-Welcome book Idea.  Love the speech Icon idea!  This will let you know when to click on the speech.  Also liked how you can link a page using a table of contents.  Great ideas on how you can use Book Creator as a whole school resource tool.  Great way to use Book Creator to make a self generated book about the zones.  

-Loved your family photo album idea.  So nice to show your classmates your family.  You had a variety of ideas and used video, audio, and text pictures.  Your doers and dreamers guide would be an awesome activity. Students would love making their own guide.  Great Job!

-Love the use for curriculum night idea.  You can have the students present about their classroom.  Excellent!  Great way to incorporate other cultures and languages (click on the picture to hear the word.)

-How to create a resume and reference.  Great idea!  Excellent way to use for social skills (body language, personal space, Hygiene, talking too much.)  

-Visual dictionary idea is great and students would enjoy creating their own. Illustrating a song or poem would be very engaging for students.

-Elevator Pitch, Explain who you are and more exciting things about yourself using Book Creator.  Great project based ideas!

-Cookbook idea is wonderful. Adding videos to your cookbook would be so much fun and engaging.  Also collaborating class reflection would produce a really since memory book for students. Interactive word wall is an awesome idea!  Students would benefit from it’s accessibility.  

-Create your own ABC book and personal classroom yearbook would be an excellent activity for any classroom.  You could adapt these activities based on needs and grade level.  Visual schedule idea would be beneficial for many students who have trouble with executive functioning difficulties.

-Family vacation activity would be thrilling for students.  Great idea to use the Tellagami App to provide instructions for your activity.  The favorite sport project is a great way to incorporate Physical Education.  Math riddles would be a fun way to use Book Creator.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Device Accessibility Features Review

Please watch my video to hear all the accessibility options each device has to offer.  

Friday, July 15, 2016

Book Creator Such a Versatile App

Image result for book creator app icon

Book Creator App 

This App is so versatile you can use it to create and  publish a book but it can be used for so much more.  Our third assignment is list 20 different lesson plans using this program.  I can't wait to see all the different ways people think of using this easy to use, accessible and powerful App. 

Here is a list of  features the Book Creator App has to offer:

* Add photos and images from your iPad's photo library, from the web, or use the iPad's Camera

* Resize, rotate and position content as you like with guidelines and snap positioning

* Add video and music, and even record your voice
* Use the pen tool to draw and annotate your book
* Choose from portrait, landscape or square book sizes
* Add super powers to your books with comic templates, stickers and styles
* A quick tap and you're reading your book in iBooks!
* Add text, choosing from over 50 fonts

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Integration Team Video

The video we watch depicted that collaboration is critical for our students success. This graph depicts the integration team in a circle because we all must work together for the student.  The video also showed how far we have progressed in assistive technology.  Many of the students in the video would benefit from the modern assistive technology such as AAC Apps and the new switch access devices.

Assistive Technology Stations

Click on the picture to view my Assistive Technology Stations Review